Governor Information
Mill Lodge is fortunate to have a team of enthusiastic, committed, and knowledgeable governors who work with the headteacher on the strategic development of the school.
The Governing Body is a group of individuals who are elected, nominated or co-opted from key stakeholder groups; parents, staff, the Local Authority, and the local community. The responsibilities of the Governing Body and its various Committees are outlined below on this page.
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Katie Andrews
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the headteacher via the school office.
How the Board of Governors operates:
Governors carry out their role by attending meetings and by visiting the school whenever possible, to see things at first hand. As well as meetings attended by all Governors (FGB Meetings), there are three committees with specific remits, which also meet regularly.
Full Governing Body (FGB)
All Governors
(Chair: Mrs K Andrews)
The Full Governing Body normally meets once each term with an additional admin meeting at the beginning of the academic year, and has three important functions
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To ensure accountability for the performance of the school
- To make sure the school's funding is well spent
There are also three committees which concentrate on specific areas of work, and report to Full Governing Body Meetings.
- Progress, Attainment and Curriculum (PAC)
- Behaviour, Health and Safety (BHS)
- Personnel and Finance (P&F)
If you wish to view agendas and minutes these are available from the school office upon application.