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Mill Lodge Primary School

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The Mill Lodge Curriculum


The Mill Lodge curriculum is the totality of all that is planned for children throughout their time at Mill Lodge.


This overview includes not only the areas of learning but the key principles and intended outcomes for children on which the curriculum is designed.


The Mill Lodge curriculum also includes the cultural capital we offer the children.

‘It is essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ National Curriculum


Writing at Mill Lodge

Writing is split in two elements; transcription and composition. Pupils should be taught how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing. Writing down ideas fluently depends on effective transcription. Effective composition involves articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Writing also depends on fluent, legible and, eventually speedy handwriting.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is a writer. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident writers. We provide the children with the knowledge and skills in order for them to become effective communicators in the world.

Reading at Mill Lodge

The aim of English is to develop a love of reading through widespread reading for enjoyment. A high-quality education in English will teach children to read fluently and confidently. Through reading, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society.

At Mill Lodge we believe every child can be a reader. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident readers that have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve and make sense of the world around them.


Phonics Scheme: Twinkl Phonics

Reading KS1: Rhino Readers (Reading books are fully decodable and are linked to our phonic scheme)

Reading KS2: Boost Comprehension (Whole Class Reading)

Maths at Mill Lodge

Mathematical knowledge and skills are essential to functioning successfully in everyday life.  Pupils should be taught to become fluent, reason mathematically and apply their mathematical understanding to solve problems. Mathematics is fundamental to wider learning and opportunities to develop all aspects of mathematics should be given across the curriculum.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child can be successful in maths. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident mathematicians that have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve and make sense of the world around them.


Science at Mill Lodge

Science teaching is important to help children makes sense of the world around them.  Developing scientific knowledge and understanding, understanding the nature, processes and methods of science through enquiry and having the knowledge to understand the uses and implications of science are essential to a high-quality science curriculum.  Science should ignite curiosity and develop scientific thought.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is a scientist. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident scientists that have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve and make sense of the world around them.


Geography at Mill Lodge

Geography provides children with an understanding of the physical and human features of their world, an understanding of processes that shape their world they live in and the skills to investigate these things for themselves. The curriculum should develop the children’s appreciation of the world around them and their responsibility as part of the relationships and interdependence that exist.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child can be successful at geography. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident geographers that have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve and make sense of the world around them.


History at Mill Lodge

Children must learn about the past to understand better the world they now live in. The curriculum should develop an understanding of chronology- change over time and an understanding of significant aspects from history both in Britain and around the world.  Essential skills such as questioning, thinking critically and weighing evidence will enable pupils to explore their curiosity about the past.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child can be successful in history. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident historians that have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve and make sense of the world around them.


Religious Education at Mill Lodge

Religious education plays an important and unique role in each child’s education enabling them to understand their spiritual identity, to adhere to moral values and to learn to play their role in promoting community cohesion and inclusion in our increasingly diverse society.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child has the right to their own beliefs and the responsibility to respect this right. Our aim is that all children have the knowledge and skills to understand and respect different faiths and life stances.


Art and Design at Mill Lodge

Art and design are essential to creative growth and personal expression. Children should be taught the knowledge and skills to not only be creative but to think critically about the art and design in their world.  The curriculum should reflect the importance of art and design in the history and culture our communities.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is an artist. Our aim is that all children are able to express themselves through art and design and have the knowledge and skills enabling them to contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of their community.


Design and Technology at Mill Lodge

Design and technology provides opportunity for children to explore creativity and consider practical ideas.  The curriculum draws heavily on knowledge and skills learnt across the curriculum in mathematics, science, computing and art.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is a designer. Our aim is that all children are able to solve problems and look for solutions through effective design and have the knowledge and skills enabling them to contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of their community.


PSHE at Mill Lodge

A PSHE curriculum should prepare children for life, helping them to know, respect and value who they are and understand how they relate to others. As well as enhancing children’s knowledge of personal, social and health issues, the curriculum develops emotional literacy, social skills and mindfulness.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child will grow to be a valuable member of society. Our aim is that all children value themselves and have the knowledge and skills enabling them to contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of their community.


Computing at Mill Lodge

The computing curriculum provides opportunity for children to work creativity and use computational thinking.  Computing draws on knowledge and skills learnt across the curriculum and enables children to become active participants in a digital world.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child can be digitally literate. Our aim is that all children are engaged, capable and confident with technology and have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve their potential.


Physical Education at Mill Lodge

The PE curriculum develops children’s skills and knowledge in a variety of physical activities. It should instil a desire to be active and build children’s stamina over time.  Opportunities for competition is important to develop good sportsperson values such as respect and fairness.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child should become physically confident. Our aim is that all children are engaged in and maintain living healthy and fit lifestyles through taking part in physical activity.


Music at Mill Lodge

The language of music is essential to creative growth and personal expression.  Children should be taught the knowledge and skills to not only to compose but also to think critically about the music in their world.  The curriculum should reflect the importance of music in the history and culture our communities. Every child should learn to sing and experience learning to play an instrument.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is a musician. Our aim is that all children are able to express themselves through music and have the knowledge and skills enabling them to contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of their community.


MFL at Mill Lodge

The modern foreign language curriculum provides opportunity for children to further understand the world they live in.  A balance of spoken and written language is developed to enable children to begin to express themselves in French.


At Mill Lodge we believe every child is a global citizen. Our aim is that all children are engaged and confident with the KS2 school French curriculum and have the knowledge and skills for future learning enabling them to achieve their potential.

Skills Builder at Mill Lodge

Whilst we the EYFS framework and National Curriculum form the majority of the school curriculum, Mill Lodge recognises the importance of teaching children skills to enable them to succeed in the next stage of education and beyond.


Mill Lodge are part of the Skill Builder Partnership and dedicated to teaching all the children the eight essential skills.  In successfully building these essential skills, we believe our children will be able to succeed and thrive in all aspects of life.


We define the essential skills as; listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.
